Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well, I went to the doctor last week to follow up on my thyroid and she backed me down to the smallest dose. Seems the medicine is working. And, she told me not to weight anymore because I was getting too depressed about not seeing pounds coming off. She said if I felt better and was doing better with eating and drinking lots of water as well as exercising, it was probably going to be a few more weeks to see difference on scale since I was gaining muscle first. I know this but hearing it from your doctor makes you really listen and take it all in! She also gave me a website called where you can put in anything you like to eat and it tells you calories, etc. , and it's a free website! I have already used it quite a bit to see if I can eat certain foods that I really like and still stay within my calories and I can-YEAH!

My hand surgery was moved up one day to the 20th and I am really wanting to get this over with. I just don't like the thought of my hand getting cut on. Also, I am planning on doing a contest three days later and don't want my hand to be all awkward when holding my microphone. On the other hand, maybe I can bandage it all up and get sympathy votes:) Just kidding_i wouldn't do that!

I am getting excited about having my last bridal pics taken. I have been planning this for some time now and have decided to get a bouquet of sunflowers to use in some of the pics. I wanted sunflowers to be my wedding flowers but callas and cymbidium orchids were much more elegant and really went with the classiness of our ceremony. Sunflowers just weren't soft enough for my dress! But I will have fun with them in pictures! I have to take my dress and get it steamed--AGAIN- for the pics b/c my mom had it hanging at her house but now it is folded in the bag and is probably pretty wrinkled. Thanks to my husband being friends with someone who owns a cleaners, she is going to do it for me free of charge--can we say-WOW! Thanks Jen, you're the best! I will surely post some of the pics up after they are done but it will be about a month down the road so be watching.......