Friday, January 8, 2010


Well, our computer has been down since I had the baby so I have been using mom's when I can and haven't been able to even put anything surrounding his birth on my blog! So, here goes....

I had been having some back problems because of the way "Will" was positioned and had been seeing my awesome chiropractor and he was really helping me a lot. However, about week 36, my back had just about bit the dust and I could barely walk and was getting no relief from Wes' manipulation at all. I was ready to have this baby. We also found out this week that Will was breech and so Wes tried a maneuver to get him to turn. We did this twice and without any success.

By this time I was 37 weeks and couldn't walk, seriously! When I went for my 37-week checkup, I had to be monitored b/c my otherwise excellent blood pressure was dangerously elevated. They monitored me and sent me home to bedrest b/c Will was doing okay while at rest. My doctor also wanted to give me one more week before she took him.

The next week was spent with me at home trying to walk and get up long enough to get a bite to eat and go to the bathroom....which was a major chore when you can't walk and have to go ALL the time!!! I made it through eight days of rest with the Lord's help and of course the help of my family and made it to the C-section day which was scheduled September 23, 2009.

We had so many people praying for us and the baby and are so blessed even now. I looked so horrible when I got to the hospital at 5:30 that morning trying to walk that they thought I was in labor and was going to have a baby right then in the lobby. I assurred them all that no, I was just in a lot of pain :).

The anesthesiologist was AWESOME! He let Donnie and my mom be in the C-section and take pictures and video of my new little guy.

At 7:52 a.m. on Wednesday, September 23, 2009, we were blessed and our lives changed forever with the addition of our precious son William Everett Perry who weighed 5 pounds, 15 1/2 ounces and was 19 1/2" long.

He was/is absolutely perfect in every way we can imagine and we are so thankful to God for allowing us this gift to take care of for HIM! I will post some more on life with Will very soon!