Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I really like going to hockey games....I like watching them fight - Ha!  I haven't been to a game, however, in several years.  When I heard they were getting rid of the Blazers, I was really shocked.  The Blazers were a big thing here in OKC.  Well, now we have the Oklahoma City Barons coming to town for the upcoming season. 

I was excited yesterday when I got an e-mail from Stacie with the Barons and she had gotten my info from the Redhawks about the national anthem.  She invited me to do the online auditions, for which you have to upload a recording of you singing the National Anthem on an mp3.  I do not do mp3 stuff and the only recording we had of me singing it was on the video camera, which of course disappeared, I believe at my wedding!  So, I called Stacie and she was kind enough, since I've sung with the Redhawks now for almost 10 years, so just go ahead and invite me to the finals auditions the Barons will be having in September and just let me audition there.  Pretty cool to have a little pull with something like that.  I guess I will be needing to order a hockey jersey now :).


Well, we finally have started cutting our top two teeth!  The one on the top left is really starting to poke through.  I noticed a little white tooth just under the gums on August 14th.  I was excited because Will so wants to eat table food with us but without top teeth he gets choked easily when feeding himself even soft stuff so I was hoping he would get them soon.  Just a matter of time now :).  My boy's getting so big!


Finally....this thing is working now.  Been trying to update for a week!! 

I was so excited to go shopping again this year with the boys at Boys Ranch for their upcoming style show before school.  I got a really sweet kid, Alonzo.  He loves the color pink!  He had to have almost everything pink as far as shirts went.  It was pretty funny!  Anyway, my mom was shopping with another boy and Donnie had met us at the mall after work b/c I didn't think it was appropriate to be dealing with Will while devoting my time to this child I was to shop with. 

So, Donnie came up to hang out with Will.  They went to the food court and ate dinner, flirted with girls(well Will did) and strolled around the mall.  When we were almost finished checking out, Donnie showed up and said Will needed to be changed!!  But, he couldn't do this b/c none of the men's restrooms in Dillard's had changing tables.  Don't people realize how many single dads there are these days?  This really should be brought to the attention of every department store!  I've even been places where there wasn't one in the women's restroom!!

Anyway, my mom proceeded to take Will over behind some stuff and lay his stroller down and change him.  In the eleven months my son has been on this earth, he has only sprayed us maybe seven times and that was long ago!  He just doesn't do this.  Well, on this day, he just thought he would as to make our lives a little bit more interesting :).  He sprayed all over the jeans that were on the shelf next to where my mom was changing him!!! 

My mom of course panicked and not wanting to announce it to the world, started trying to find a manager.  Well, the manager to make the decision was not available on the floor so they called him.  He actually told us that we were going to have to BUY the jeans that were sprayed.  My  mom was willing to do this but I thought it was a travesty!  Seriously, how many jeans, shirts, etc., do you think they mark as damaged every single day, and they wanted us to spend almost $100 for an accident.  By the time we went to check out, they weren't even wet and you couldn't even smell anything. 

If they would have had changing tables in the men's restroom in the first place, this wouldn't have happened at all.  And, not to mention we were spending lots of money in there with the kids! 

I still plan on writing to the store about this issue and suggest they think about adding changing tables to the men's restroom.  And, for that matter, the women's restroom there doesn't have them either!  My mom assured me that Satan was just trying to knock us down cause we were doing a good thing and that he didn't win after all b/c it just so happened that Will cristened the jeans that were the size of the boy that my mom shopped with so he got two extra pair of jeans! 

Satan NEVER wins!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Last night I sang the National  Anthem at the Oklahoma Redhawks game.  Will got to go to his first baseball game.  He loves sports already. He will actually sit and watch it and he loved watching the baseball game.

Since mommy was singing, of course, he got to go out onto the field with me before the game and meet Rowdy!  It was a fun time. Smokin Joe Frazier was there to sign autographs.  We saw him on the field but he was so busy that we did not get his signature :(.  We had a wonderful time last night.  Mamie even bought him his first bat and ball!  Can't wait to see what he's going to hit with it first.  Ha ha.

Monday, June 7, 2010


May 20th was another big day for Will.  I felt his second tooth poking through the skin.  He does so well with teething, really.  He is not fussy for long and as soon as we doctor his teeth, he calms down pretty much.  I have heard horror stories, though, on when they start getting their horrible top and back teeth.  Poor babies.  We are really excited though.  Just another sign that our baby is getting bigger every day. 


Well, I had my first "official" Mother's Day!  Last year Donnie made it real special for me because he got me a card from Will and made it very special for me. 

The saturday before Mother's Day, mom and I went to our first auction. They were auctioning off a house and all.  It was really neat.  Mom had gotten an invitation from the owner of the house b/c she had bought some marmalade dishes from the women via E-bay and the woman had TONS, literally TONS of marmalade stuff that was being auctioned off.  Let's say mom made out like a bandit!  She got all the pieces she had always wanted to add to her collection and all for mostly $2 a piece!!!  She was so excited. 

I also made out well as in my son bought me my first mother's day gift :)...with Mamie's help of course.  He got me a cookie jar that is a ceramic pig with a corn cob on his back.   It is precious and since I collect pigs it was perfect.  Of course, since it's a cookie jar, Donnie will insist that I keep it full of cookies if it is going to sit on our island in the kitchen!!  I've been pretty good at managing to do that, although they might be just oreos in the jar and not homemade cookies....but he eats them just the same.

The actual Mother's Day was kind of a bummer for me.  Not because of anything my husband did but I wasn't feeling well.  We had commited to go to church with mom that morning and my stomach was really bothering me.  Those that know me know that I don't get sick very often at all.  Feeling like I was going to vomit, though, made me not want to go out and eat.  We made it to church for a good service and then Donnie took me to Jason's Deli to have some soup.  I felt a bit better after eating but was so very tired so my mother's day present that day was a nice nap in the afternoon. 

I got to go and pick out one of my favorite summertime perfumes, Clinique Happy.  That makes me Happy :) and smell good too!

I didn't even get a picture of me and my little angel baby on that day....we will have to make up for it next year for sure!


Well, our baby boy finally got his first tooth!  He's been teething now since Christmas and drools a LOT.  I finally felt a sharpness poking through the skin of his little gums on the bottom and out it popped on the morning of April 27.  We are so excited for this milestone of many that our baby boy will go through as he grows :).

Friday, May 7, 2010


This is a little late since the game was a week ago but I love the Thunder and I am so very proud of our young men for playing so well and showing amazing sportsmanship and leadership!  We could have had tickets but with Donnie's work schedule and us trying so hard to pay off all of our debts and be a little closer to debt free- I figured the $41 a ticket could buy so much more than a ticket in LOUD CITY.  I was disappointed but feel I made the right decision regarding our finances and splurges. 

Mom and I took Will to Bricktown that evening and strolled around looking at the thousands of people who showed up down there to cheer our team on.  It was very exciting to be in that atmosphere.  We went to Spaghetti Warehouse to eat and it was delicious.  I haven't eaten there in years.  We then went back up to the Ford Center and got a front row seat on the curb in front of the big screen tv to watch our boys play.
It was like being in LOUD CITY outside but Will actually managed to fall asleep in the midst of all of it. 

Here he is before the game with me and then with mom

We had lots of fun cheering our boys on but decided to leave at halftime since we had a baby that needed to be tended to :).  We were disappointed that our boys did not take the win but were very proud of them for only being down by one point.  That says everything about the kind of players they are!!!  Look out LA Lakers, we WILL WIN next year!  Thunder Up!                                                                              


I can't believe I'm sitting here posting this from my own computer in my own house!  It's been soooo long since we had a working computer.  I have missed writing about Will and other things going on in our lives.  Will is growing like a weed and he is the most precious gift we could ever ask for.  I can't believe he is already seven months old.  Just the other day I was starting to plan for his First Birthday because it will be here before we know it.  We have decided that although he will be ONE he still will be a "baby" so we are going to have a "baby" party.  We can save the football parties and such for when he will appreciate it.  We are excited to have his grandma and papa come from Tennessee to share with us on that very exciting day. 

We have decided to do a "Little Prince" party.  They have such cute decor and ideas for decorating but what I loved best were all the invitations I found to order.  I'm stalking photography facebook pages and websites trying to find a good photographer in Edmond to use for his birthday photos.  I found the perfect "crown" for our little prince to wear too!

We have been looking at so many toys and things we want to get  Will for his birthday.  The biggest thing we are going to do is take him to Tulsa on July 15th to see the Nick Jr storytime live.  He loves the Wonder Pets and Moose and Zee and I know he will be at a perfect age to really  enjoy seeing them in person.  It will be so much fun!

Here is our little precious one a couple weeks ago....

He's such a DOLL!!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Well, our computer is STILL down, so I'm not able to update this like I wanted to on my mom's computer! I wanted to go back through the last almost five months of Will's life and share about how our life has changed but will have to put it into one I guess.

Will is the biggest blessing ever! He is the sweetest, most precious little thing in my life. I will post a few pics of the last four months and show how he's grown since I can't update that far back and I love being a mommy!

This is Will at seven weeks :)
Here he is at nine weeks :)
Here he is at three months on Christmas morning!
We also had a white Christmas so here he is in his first snow.
Here he is at four months old. He is such a happy baby.
He is meeting all of his developmental milestones...actually all of them for a six-month-old. We have a little bit of trouble with tummy time b/c he just wants to be up and kicking. He rolled over when he was only two weeks old_yeah_scary. But, he will roll back to front but doesn't like rolling front to back! He is so strong and even his pediatrician thinks he is VERY strong...just lazy-lol! We have started eating green beans and peas and love them along with his cereal in the morning. Tonight I get to go and buy him some other veggies and let him try some other things. He LOVES to eat. At his four-month checkup he weighed 14 pounds, 12 ounces and was 25.5 inches long. He is solid and has cute little chubby arms and pretty big hands for his age and size but he is very long. He is already wearing some six-month pants and they are not terribly too long for him. Can't believe that when his dad and mom are so short_hahaha!

We just had his pictures taken last night so we would have them if we make it to TN for his great grandma's 95th birthday in March. They turned out cute except when he saw the camera, he wouldn't smile. Silly boy! Here is just one of the pics we had made yesterday and I will share and post more soon. Of course we had to get OU for the OU side of the family and TN for the TN side-lol!

Here's our precious boy at five months_that is...five months tomorrow :)

Friday, January 8, 2010


Well, our computer has been down since I had the baby so I have been using mom's when I can and haven't been able to even put anything surrounding his birth on my blog! So, here goes....

I had been having some back problems because of the way "Will" was positioned and had been seeing my awesome chiropractor and he was really helping me a lot. However, about week 36, my back had just about bit the dust and I could barely walk and was getting no relief from Wes' manipulation at all. I was ready to have this baby. We also found out this week that Will was breech and so Wes tried a maneuver to get him to turn. We did this twice and without any success.

By this time I was 37 weeks and couldn't walk, seriously! When I went for my 37-week checkup, I had to be monitored b/c my otherwise excellent blood pressure was dangerously elevated. They monitored me and sent me home to bedrest b/c Will was doing okay while at rest. My doctor also wanted to give me one more week before she took him.

The next week was spent with me at home trying to walk and get up long enough to get a bite to eat and go to the bathroom....which was a major chore when you can't walk and have to go ALL the time!!! I made it through eight days of rest with the Lord's help and of course the help of my family and made it to the C-section day which was scheduled September 23, 2009.

We had so many people praying for us and the baby and are so blessed even now. I looked so horrible when I got to the hospital at 5:30 that morning trying to walk that they thought I was in labor and was going to have a baby right then in the lobby. I assurred them all that no, I was just in a lot of pain :).

The anesthesiologist was AWESOME! He let Donnie and my mom be in the C-section and take pictures and video of my new little guy.

At 7:52 a.m. on Wednesday, September 23, 2009, we were blessed and our lives changed forever with the addition of our precious son William Everett Perry who weighed 5 pounds, 15 1/2 ounces and was 19 1/2" long.

He was/is absolutely perfect in every way we can imagine and we are so thankful to God for allowing us this gift to take care of for HIM! I will post some more on life with Will very soon!