Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Great, just what I needed....found out today that I might have a skin cancer on my hand! Did you know when you have a freckle that appears on the palm of your hand or on the bottom of your foot that it could be cancer and probably is? I had someone say that to me a long time ago but have had people that I know have noticed mine and have never seemed concerned. Today, the girl I work with got really freaked out over it and sent me to the office adjoining ours, as he is a general surgeon. He will look at it tomorrow and let me know if he needs to cut it out of my hand. Oh boy, just what I wanted!
Please pray that this is not the case....I know I am a bit predisposed to some form of cancer and if it had to be this little incident in my lifetime just once, I can live with that, but now I am a little concerned as well! I guess it is good that we find out about it now b/c if I want to have a baby I don't want to have this going on at the same time!
Know your body and check your skin real never know what might pop up!