Friday, February 13, 2009


Well...we've had our first scare with lil sprout(that's what we call our baby). I had some spotting last week and again last night. It was so little this time that had I not been so in tune with my body right now-I wouldn't have noticed. I called the doctor since all my levels were good last week and they scheduled an ultrasound. Donnie was so upset he couldn't go b/c of lots of work issues and short notice! I am so bleesed,though, that my mom could go. It was a challenge making me wait with a full pregnant bladder but they got me in quick. They did a transvaginal u/s(kinda scary at first) but we found that lil sprout is 6 wks and 3 days and I saw the heart fluttering at 116 beats per minute. However---there is a subchorionic bleed which is basically a blood clot where the placenta attaches itself to the uterus. This usually heals itself but could potentially cause a miscarriage if it gets bigger! My doctor's office told me to rest all weekend and Doc would call me Monday to talk about next step.

We trust the Lord with His child and pray that he allows healing and a healthy continuance of pregnancy. He knows how much we love this baby already!

We appreciate all the prayers for our lil sprout that we can get!!