Saturday, September 5, 2009


I am so excited to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that meeting my baby boy is just around the corner! We get another glimpse of him, hopefully the last by ultrasound, on Wednesday to evaluate his size and position. I have carried him so high that we just haven't been able to tell his position. On Monday he was really high and by yesterday, my mom and everyone at work was talking about how he had dropped a few inches! Yay_please start making your way downward little Will :). I just want him to not be breech, although I'm confident in my chiropractor that we may be able to get him turned if he is. I hate to say that he still needs to probably wait a week or so before he comes but wouldn't mind at all if he came in about three weeks. My back issues are coming and going and when they are here, they are really bad. My chiro has done wonders but now Will is back over on the left side and sitting on my sciatic nerve. Since I really don't want to do an epidural during labor, I've joked that if Will would just make my lower body go numb then I would be good to go :) lol.

We are so excited to meet our little boy and to kiss his little face. He truly is a gift from God and I have so enjoyed taking care of him for the past nine months! We almost have his nursery finished except for curtains, cushions for rocker and the crib bedding. Since he has two cradles, we are putting the crib bedding on hold for a couple months. Here are a few pics I've taken of his shelves his daddy built for his nursery and his dresser and awesome cradle my mom decorated!